Accountability for Use of Partnership for Excellence Funds

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Budget and Finance
Status Report

The Partnership for Excellence program and funding have been discontinued.

Whereas the Partnership for Excellence is non-categorical funding with which local districts have "flexibility" but the clearly-stated legislative intent is that funds are provided for "program enhancement that will improve student success and make progress toward the system goals," and

Whereas the Partnership for Excellence is supposed to be an accountability approach to educational funding, but the Chancellor's Office reporting mechanism is designed for marketing the program to the Legislature, rather than for audit or accountability purposes, and

Whereas some districts have utilized a collegial approach to distribute Partnership funds to programs and services to increase student success, while other districts have not done so, instead keeping Partnership funds to build reserves, pay down debt or engage in administrative projects removed from student needs,

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge the Chancellor and the Board of Governors to hold local district boards and administrations accountable for utilizing Partnership for Excellence funds according to the legislative intent for "program enhancement that will improve student success and make progress toward the system goals," and

Resolved that the Academic Senate work with the Chancellor's Office to ensure that local districts follow appropriate state law and regulation regarding meaningful consultation with local academic senates in developing partnership plans to address student success, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate work with the Chancellor's Office to include a local academic senate sign-off on college and district reports on the use of Partnership for Excellence funds.