Accreditation: The Next Steps

Resolution Number
Status Report

Faculty rights and responsibilities with regards to accreditation, professional development, student equity, and professional development were and will be addressed at Accreditation Institutes.

Whereas, Title 5 53200 provides that the Academic Senate means an organization whose primary function is to make recommendations with respect to academic and professional matters including accreditation, which is item seven within the ten-plus-one areas requiring collegial consultation;

Whereas, Funding for appropriate faculty release, reassigned time and stipends are not forthcoming at some local colleges;

Whereas, Local control of accreditation, program review, equity planning, and reasonable limitations on the uses of evidence are being inappropriately wrested from local senates by some administration teams; and

Whereas, Local boards and administration teams are, in some instances, ignoring local senate requests for training and professional development in preparation for program review and accreditation or substituting inadequate accreditation training by organizations that have no tie to or experience with community college instruction;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges establish in direct terms how local senate and faculty rights within the accreditation process relate to professional development and training; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges create guidelines for use in the accreditation process to assist local senates in the implementation of equity planning, student success, the collection and uses of evidence in program and course planning, the creation of successful self-studies, and compliance with the mission of the California Community College System. MSC Disposition: System Office, Local Senates