Accreditation Self-Study Faculty Chairs

Resolution Number
Status Report

This resolution, like S95 2.02 was
addressed by the paper, Working With The 2002 Accreditations Standards: The Faculty's Role, at the 2007 Accreditation Institute and by several Rostrum articles. These concerns will continue to be addressed at Accreditation Institutes in the future.

Whereas faculty chairs/co-chairs of accreditation self-studies are still occasionally appointed by college presidents, and

Whereas shared governance makes the local senate the appropriate body to appoint faculty to all college-wide committees,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge local senates to appoint faculty chairs and/or co-chairs to accreditation self-study committees, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend to the Accrediting Commission that there be a Commission policy that local academic senates in California appoint self-study chairs and co-chairs in accordance with Title 5regulations on strengthening local senates.
M/S/U Disposition: Accrediting Commission, College/District CEOs, Local Senates