Accreditation Standards

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Status Report

Detailed written testimony was submitted to ACCJC in response to several draft iterations.The response included suggested edits to strengthen the role of faculty.Oral testimony was given at the January and June hearings in San Francisco, as well as at the Hawaii hearing in March 02.

Whereas, The 108 California Community Colleges comprise more than 77% of the colleges reviewed and accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (AACJC); and

Whereas, Faculty rights and responsibilities are specified and guaranteed in the California Code of Regulations (Title 5) and therefore must be reflected in any complete and legitimate accreditation self-study;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate immediately convene a task force to gather and coordinate feedback on the draft of the new Accreditation Standards from local senates, and then propose appropriate edits that include strengthening the role of faculty in all four standards and submit them directly to the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges by the December 1, 2001 due date.