Accreditation Team Evaluation

Resolution Number
Found Not Feasible
Direct the Executive Committee to work with the Accrediting Commission to support an evaluation process of the accreditation team members by the colleges, including appropriate input and evaluation from the college's academic senate.
Status Report

Given that ACCJC is not under the oversight of the Academic Senate, such a process would serve little purpose since it is unclear to whom evaluations would be submitted and how they would be used. However, ACCJC has been apprised of issues related to the lack of training being provided to team members and the Chancellor is working on a meeting with the ACCJC president (summer 2009), and the core issue of the quality of team members may be addressed in this way.

Whereas evaluation appears to be an important component of the accreditation team process in that the chair is evaluated by the team members and each team member is evaluated by the chair, and

Whereas faculty and administrators may differ in their perspective of the subsections in the accreditation standards, and

Whereas particular standards (such as standard 2) or portions of standards (budget in standard 7) overlap with the AB 1725 eleven areas of academic and professional matters,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct the Executive Committee to work with the Accrediting Commission to support an evaluation process of the accreditation team members by the colleges, including appropriate input and evaluation from the college's academic senate. M/S/C Disposition: Accrediting Commission, Executive Committee, Local Senates