Advocacy for Preserving Teacher and Reading Development Partnership (TRDP) Programs

Resolution Number
Assigned to
State and Legislative Issues
Status Report

Continue to discuss matter with new Secretary of Education staff; may need to pursue same program and objectives under a new plan.

Whereas, Thirty-three districts/colleges throughout the system have established Teacher and Reading Development Partnership (TRDP) programs to provide clearly articulated transfer-track teacher-preparation programs for students from diverse backgrounds;

Whereas, The original 5-year promise of $10 million per year beginning 2000-01 was reduced in 2002-03 to $5 million by the Governor, and further cuts proposed for 2003-04 will severely and disproportionately reduce funding to the TRDP programs statewide, resulting in their discontinuance in most cases;

Whereas, In the Southern California Region alone, thirteen of fifteen programs show that, of approximately 9,600 students enrolled, 7.6% have transferred and 21% will be ready to transfer in 03-04, and in addition 48.2% are Hispanic, 31.9%are Anglo, 7.3% are Asian/Pacific Islander/Filipino, 6.1% are African American and 1.3% are Native American, reflecting the system's highest goals of access, retention and transfer of diverse students; and

Whereas, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges and local academic senates are primarily responsible for the maintenance and success of curricular/student success programs leading to transfer, with a focus on the success of students from underrepresented backgrounds - all of which reflect the "highest priorities" of the community college system;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges affirm that student success programs such as EOPS, DSPS, Matriculation and Teacher and Reading Development Partnership Program (TRDP) reflect the "highest priorities" of the California Community Colleges, including access, success and transfer of a diverse student population;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges seek data from and consult with the faculty TRDP project directors in order to defend against disproportionate cuts to the TRDP budget and de-facto program discontinuance, which will severely impact the success of students from diverse backgrounds; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the Consultation Council, the Chancellor and the Board of Governors to advocate to the Legislature and the Governor to restore the promise to lower-division teacher-preparation programs in the community colleges by restoring the TRDP budget with reductions at no more than the percentages afforded to other student success categorical programs, such as EOPS, DSPS and Matriculation.