Affirmative Action Guidelines

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Diversity and Equity

Whereas the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges has affirmed that equal educational opportunity for all California citizens is of compelling interest and necessity for the future of the State of California, and

Whereas the Board of Governors, the Chancellor's Office of the California Community Colleges, and the California State Legislature have been noted for their long-standing commitment to the principle of equal opportunity and affirmative action, and

Whereas the California Postsecondary Education Commission has found that previous gains in the hiring of faculty members from underrepresented minorities have been eroded during the 1980's, while at the same time the minority and underrepresented populations in the state are growing, and

Whereas the delegates to the 1986 Fall Conference unanimously directed the Educational Policies Committee to draft guidelines for California Community College faculty to use in the recruitment, hiring, retention, and promotion practices,

Resolved that the Academic Senate adopt the report "Affirmative Action Guidelines" as a statement of a continued commitment to academic excellence and the values and goals of equal opportunity and affirmative action in recruitment, hiring, retention, and promotion practices among community college faculty, and (through amendment)

Resolved that the Academic Senate support and work with the Board of Governors in the establishment of a state and national recruitment and employment bank to create lists of eligible underrepresented minorities to disseminate to community college campuses where faculty employment opportunities exist.