Resolution Number
Assigned to
General Concerns

Whereas the Board of Governors has passed the first stystemwide AIDS policy in the nation, and

Whereas when AIDS education programs have been established there has been a significant decrease in the rate of new infection, and

Whereas AIDS direct service programs have contributed to the compassionate treatment of those affected in the workplace and classroom, and

Whereas there is no known cure, vaccine, or treatment to prevent AIDS transmission, except education,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges encourage each local senate to follow the Board of Governors' policy to implement an AIDS program, to create an AIDS task force coordinated with supporting community agencies, and to develop local plans on AIDS education, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate Executive Committee provide leadership for faculty in AIDS education, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate schedule a general session presentation at the 1989 Fall Session encouraging AIDS education, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate ask that AIDS education be included in the statewide priority for staff development and the Fund for Instructional Improvement.