Alternative Governance Structures for California Community Colleges

Resolution Number
Assigned to
State and Legislative Issues
Status Report

A breakout on this was held in Spring 1999. Two researchers were approached to assist the Committee in exploring the financial ramifications of various alternative structures, and both, after considering the complexity of the assignment, declined. The concern with this subject was the product of the publication of the Citizens' Commission report, "A State of Learning: California Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century," which has since faded from the scene with no apparent lasting impact. Moreover, an "agree/disagree" exercise performed at the last two Leadership Institutes indicates that faculty have no clear preference for an alternative governance structure, with approximately 50% regularly defending the current one. The Committee proposes, therefore, that this assignment be removed from its agenda.

Whereas currently the majority of all funding for higher education comes from the State, and

Whereas a statewide system for community colleges at one time seemed inappropriate when primary funding was received from local property taxes imposed by locally elected boards, and

Whereas the CSUs underwent changes in their systemwide structure from "normal schools" to state colleges to state universities, thus it is not unusual for a system to undergo far-reaching changes, and

Whereas there is some discussion about a systemwide structure for community colleges taking place in various venues,

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to research alternative governance structures for California Community Colleges that might maintain some degree of local autonomy but that might eliminate many duplicated functions.