Amendment to Establishing Prerequisites

Resolution Number
Assigned to

Whereas the Chancellor's Office interprets current regulations to permit content validation as well as statistical validation for mandatory prerequisites (as verified in the memo from Vice Chancellors Rita Cepeda and Thelma Scott Skillman of 8/21/92 to Matriculation Coordinators and Academic Senate Presidents) (Document Available in the Senate Office), and

Whereas content review respects the expertise, experience, and professional judgement of faculty in any field, and

Whereas content review has been proven effective over many centuries and is the preferred method of determining prerequisites in all segments of higher education, and

Whereas other forms of research, including statistical validation, provide no greater assurances of fairness to students, and

Whereas adequate safeguards against arbitrariness exist in the departmental review and curriculum review processes; and the rights of students are protected by challenge procedures for special cases;

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges' draft proposal for revision of Title 5 regulations dated 10/2/92 Section 2(d)(7) and 2(d)(8) be amended to read as follows:for any prerequisites not covered in other sections of (d) above, a systematic model of content review, approved by the chancellor's office, shall be an acceptable means of reviewing and evaluating prerequisites. Other types of research designs approved by the chancellor's office shall be acceptable also, and may be used at the discretion of the college or district.

Resolved that language in the rest of the document be consistent with these changes: (2(d)(1)C, 2(d)(2)F, 2(d)(3)D, and 2(d)(1)D[5]).