Appropriateness of Flex Activities

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Faculty Development

Whereas a publication from the Chancellor's Office reported that the Chancellor's Office is considering regulations disallowing "routine academic senate activities" as legitimate flex day and faculty development activities, and

Whereas Regina Stan back-Stroud, as president, wrote a letter to the Chancellor's Office pointing out that "routine academic senate activities" should be considered legitimate flex day and faculty development activities, and

Whereas the original faculty development list in AB 1725 was made deliberately broad to allow for a variety of activities to meet both local faculty and local college needs, and

Whereas AB 1725 and recent regulations to strengthen local senates have added to the professional stature of community college faculty who will act professionally without detailed lists of activities not allowed as faculty development,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge its president to communicate to CEOs and CIOs the Academic Senate's position that "routine academic senate" activities continue to be appropriate flex and faculty development activities.
M/S/C Disposition: CEOs, CIOs, Local Senates