Articulation of Courses Offered in a Distance Education Mode

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Status Report

A practice to resolve questions regarding delivery has been established by the UC Office of Admissions (UCOP). This issue ha been covered in various communications with the UC, individual community colleges, ICAS, and in breakouts at 2005 Curriculum Institute in San Diego.

Whereas, There has been confusion about the articulation to the University of California of a few California community college courses offered in a distance education mode;

Whereas, There exist specific curriculum guidelines and processes for the development, approval and articulation of all courses, with additional review of courses offered in a distance education mode, as required by Title 5 Regulations; and

Whereas, The continuation of courses offered in a distance education mode is critical to meet the demands of community college students;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges continue to provide guidance to local senates, curriculum committees and articulation officers about the review and articulation of courses offered in a distance education mode; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges continue to communicate directly with the University of California in order to discuss processes for articulation and establish a mutually acceptable resolution to any articulation concerns.