Articulation Position Paper

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Articulation and Transfer

Whereas the final report of the Commission for the Review of the Master Plan, The Master Plan Renewed, urges an "enhanced role" for community college faculty in establishing and maintaining relations with the public schools, and

Whereas thirty-seven college presidents, under the leadership of Donald Kennedy, President of Stanford University, in September urged all college presidents to make a "new commitment to working with schools on many issues of mutual interest," and

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges firmly believes that faculty must be in the forefront of positive and meaningful educational change, and

Whereas local academic senates have generally had little experience in working with their public-school colleagues in a formal way,

Resolved that the Educational Policies Committee be directed to develop a document which will help local senates participate in the movement to improve articulation between schools and colleges, and

Resolved that the Educational Policies Committee consider inclusion of a history of such articulation, recommendations for activities which college senates and individual faculty members can initiate, and information on exemplary programs.