Budget Change Proposal for Administrative Participation in Governance

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Budget and Finance
Status Report

The Board of Governors rejected this Budget Change Proposal in 1998-99. Subsequent efforts have been unsuccessful.

Whereas the Chancellor's Office has proposed a Budget Change Proposal for 1999-2000 requesting $565,000 to reimburse districts for the cost of participation in state-level community college governance for administrators and staff, and historically this cost has been borne by districts as part of the responsibility for which they are given apportionment dollars, and

Whereas districts currently pay one percent of their budgets in membership dues to the Community College League of California, which represents trustees and Chief Executive Officers statewide, and thus sizeable Proposition 98 funds are already committed to cover administrative participation, and districts do not have to pay costs of substitutes for classes so that administrators can attend meetings, and

Whereas the chronic underfunding of California community colleges has left a legacy of lowered access, increased fees, and unmet student needs, such as instruction, instructional services, and student services, and it does not seem justified to use one-half million more of scarce apportionment dollars for nonstudent needs, and

Whereas this Budget Change Proposal, unlike others proposed for 1999-2000, was not endorsed by the Consultation Council,

Resolved that the Academic Senate oppose funding the Budget Change Proposal to use Proposition 98 dollars to reimburse districts for administrative participation instate-level governance, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge the Board of Governors to withdraw from consideration the1999-2000 Budget Change Proposal for administrative participation in California Community College