Cal-GETC, Catalog Rights, and Oral Communication Courses

Resolution Number
Degree and Certificate Requirement

Whereas, The new California General Education Transfer Curriculum Area 1C Oral Communication, with new standards, will become effective the beginning of Fall 2025;

Whereas, The “Cal-GETC Administrative Implementation Guidance” memo [1] dated February 14, 2024 provides catalog rights guidance (Appendix A) regarding when students will be expected to complete the California General Education Transfer Curriculum pattern;

Whereas, Appendix A of the “Cal-GETC Administrative Implementation Guidance” memo states that if a student has continuous enrollment prior to the fall of 2025, students will not require California General Education Transfer Curriculum (Cal-GETC) certification, but for those students who lose catalog rights, they will be held to Cal-GETC certification; and

Whereas, If a student with prior continuous enrollment who completes a course approved for the California State University General Education Breadth Area A1 Oral Communication or Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum Area 1C Oral Communication prior to Fall 2025 and loses catalog rights may now be expected to complete another oral communication course approved for the California General Education Transfer Curriculum Area 1C;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the Intersegmental Committee of the Academic Senates to advocate for oral communication courses completed prior to Fall 2025 that meet the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum Area 1C being honored for the purposes of the California General Education Transfer Curriculum certification regardless of a student’s catalog rights.

