California Community College Articulation System

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Transfer and Articulation Committee
Articulation and Transfer
Collaborate with the Chancellor's Office to explore options for a faculty-driven, California community college course articulation system. Build into any new course articulation system full intersegmental participation and identify funding for such a system.
Status Report

The Senate is currently working on implementation of a course identification numbering system (C-ID)with the Chancellor's Office. This project has funding through 2011. Information about the project is available at:

Whereas, The California Articulation Number (CAN) System was developed to facilitate course articulation and student transfer and was designated by the Chancellor as the mechanism for common course numbering within the California Community College System;

Whereas, The CAN System Office ceased operations in March 2005; and

Whereas, The California community colleges, as directed by legislation, still need a mechanism for common numbering within the system and for identifying articulated courses;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges immediately collaborate with the System Office to explore options for a faculty-driven, California community college course articulation system;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges ensure that the new course articulation system can accommodate intersegmental participation in the future; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges support the identification of funding for such a system. MSC Disposition: System Office, Local Senates