California Performance Review

Resolution Number
Assigned to
State and Legislative Issues
Status Report

Will be watchful in coming years to determine if now-moribund CPR recommendations reemerge.

Whereas, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger commissioned the California Performance Review to identify "fraud, waste, and abuse" in state agencies;

Whereas, The California Performance Review purports that its recommendations would result in savings that practitioners and the Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) contend cannot be achieved, and, according to the LAO, these recommendations may, in fact, cost the state considerably more money than is presently expended; and

Whereas, The following specific California Performance Review recommendations, if adopted or legislated, would impose unfunded fiscal mandates upon the community college districts and colleges and impose additional burdens upon community college student-taxpayers, or in some cases would create a loss of revenue for community colleges, or are duplicative of efforts already operating:
ETV01: Restructure the Role of the Secretary for Education
ETV03: Consolidate Selected State Higher Education Agencies
ETV08: Establish Concurrent Enrollment Funding and Options
ETV15: Make it Easier for Students to Transfer from a Community College to a University
ETV17: Make Higher Education Affordable by Reducing the Cost of Textbooks
ETV18: Increase College and University Tuition for all Non-resident Students
ETV19: Establish Community College Enrollment Priorities
ETV21: Improve Higher Education Accountability to Meet the State's Needs
ETV33: Require Community Service of Public College and University Students;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with other system leaders, legislators, and the Governor to identify mechanisms to achieve goals of the California Performance Review that are in concert with our adopted positions and resolutions; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges oppose any recommendation within the California Performance Review that restricts the academic freedom of California community college faculty, as defined in the AAUP's Standards and Practices of Professionalism.