Resolution Number
Assigned to
Relations with Local Senates Committee
Career Technical Education
Status Report

The Senate has fostered the role of academic senates in all workforce and economic development programs through the Vocational Faculty Leadership Institute. This resolution should be deemed completed.

Whereas the CalWORKs program has now been in place for three years but is still not fully integrated into the individual colleges, and

Whereas faculty are not sufficiently involved in curriculum development decisions involving CalWORKs students, and

Whereas instructional and student service faculty are not involved in budget development in CalWORKs programs at the local colleges,

Resolved that the Academic Senate be identified as a primary resource for instructional development in the CalWORKs program, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge local senates to involve their faculty in the CalWORKS implementation plan, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge the CalWORKS coordinator at each college to present the college CalWORKs plan to its college academic senate for approval.