CEO Evaluation Survey

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Professional Standards

Whereas the Council of Faculty Organizations is proposing a statewide faculty survey of the leadership skills of community college presidents and chancellors, and

Whereas the goal is to promote shared governance, collegiality, and excellence in California community colleges' top leadership, and

Whereas the survey is proposed to gather data on the faculty perspective of California community college CEO's and their working relationships within the concepts of shared governance, and

Whereas the survey tabulation could provide data to the constituent faculty groups of the Council of Faculty Organizations that would allow comparability with other colleges and, over time, provide longitudinal data on a CEO's leadership as viewed from a faculty perspective,

Resolved that the Academic Senate participate in the development of a Council of Faculty Organizations CEO evaluation survey instrument that will assist California community college faculty to be informed about their top leadership and allow further study and identification of positive community college leadership styles and values.