Changing Bylaws on the Number of General Sessions Requirements

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Executive Director
Academic Senate for California Community Colleges
Status Report

The bylaws have been published and are posted on this website.

Whereas, Article 1, Section 1, subsection I of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges’ Bylaws states, “General Session: A single scheduled meeting held during the plenary session. There are five general sessions during the plenary session”; and

Whereas, Requiring five general sessions for all plenaries in the Academic Senate Bylaws unnecessarily restricts the ability to structure the plenary activities around what the Executive Committee sees as in the best interests of the attendees and the Academic Senate;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges change Article 1, Section 1, subsection I of the Senate’s Bylaws to read “General Session: A single scheduled meeting held during the plenary session. There are five general sessions during the each plenary session. The number of General Sessions during a plenary session will be based on need.”