COIN/Economic Development Centers

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Commission on Innovation

Whereas many California Community Colleges have successful contract education programs which provide instructional services to employees and businesses in local communities, and

Whereas the development and operation of such contract education programs do not always involve faculty to the same extent as in regular educational programs, and

Whereas the Commission on Innovation report Choosing the Future: An Action Agenda for Community Colleges in Recommendation 2, Strategy 2, Action 2, states, "Fund District-based Economic Development Centers," to promote contract education,

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to conduct a state-wide study of the local colleges' use of contract education, paying particular attention to the involvement of faculty in the development and operation of such programs, including affirmative action hiring processes, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate promote local models of contract education that have been shown to be effective and to involve faculty substantively, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate support the development of Economic Development Centers only if the involvement of faculty in the development, operation, and hiring for such programs is equivalent to that in regular programs.