Commission on the Future

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Consultation with the Chancellor's Office
Status Report

While the Senate did not formally appoint a faculty representative to the Commission, CCLC has consistently reached out to the Senate for faculty leadership to serve on the Commission. Past President Mark Wade Lieu participated on the Commission which published the 20/20 Vision Report of the Commission.

Whereas, The Community College League of California (CCLC) Commission on the Future has met over a period of time and identified recommendations regarding student success for the future actions of the California community colleges over the next ten years; and

Whereas, Many of the recommendations of the Commission on the Future properly fall under the areas defined as “academic and professional matters” as defined in Title 5 regulations and as such are the responsibility of faculty and of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges; and

Whereas, The California Community College System already has an established process for sending recommendations to the Board of Governors through the Consultation Council established Sections 330-342 in the Standing Orders of the Board of Governors;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges remind the Chancellor’s Office that any recommendation developed by the CCLC Commission on the Future and any implementation plan go through the Consultation Council, which includes faculty from the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge that implementation of all recommendations dealing with “academic and professional matters” at both the state and local level be carried out in a manner consistent with Title 5 regulations by relying primarily on the input of faculty through the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges or local academic senates.

MSC Disposition: Chancellor’s Office, Local Senates, CCLC