Communication with Local Senates

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Relations with Local Senates Committee
Academic Senate
Status Report

Local Senate information was publicized in the Academic Senate President's monthly publication "Senate Update." Geocluster leaders created e-mail distribution lists to disseminate Academic Senate information to local senates in their areas.

Whereas the faculty of the California Community Colleges has, through the local academic senates, established the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, Inc., in order to promote the best interests of higher education in the state and to represent the faculty in all California Community Colleges at the state level, and

Whereas Article VII, Section 3, of the Bylaws stipulates that "in order to provide adequate communication with the faculty... the Senate shall circulate among each and all faculty in the California Community Colleges such materials as agendas and minutes of its meetings, committee reports and other pertinent information on pending matters," and

Whereas local senates must remain informed on activities and issues addressed by the Executive Committee which acts "on behalf of the Academic Senate in the period between general sessions, transacts business, and performs other functions not inconsistent with the intent, purposes, and provisions of the Bylaws and Senate Rules" (Article V, Section 6),

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges reaffirm the importance of monthly summaries of Executive Committee minutes, such summaries to be produced by the past president and posted on InfoNet within two weeks of the approval of those minutes, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges reaffirm the importance of monthly presidential updates of senate issues and activities, such updates to be posted on InfoNet with hard copies mailed to local senate presidents, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges provide local senate presidents with monthly updates of activities and issues addressed by Academic Senate standing committees, such updates to be posted on InfoNet.
MIS/C Disposition: Executive Committee, Local Senates