Community Access and Student Achievement in California Community Colleges

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Consultation with the California Community College Chancellor's Office
Status Report

This was CCSF sounding off about community ed.  The decisions have been made now. 

Whereas, The California community colleges are dedicated to providing broad access to affordable, high quality, comprehensive education in a supportive, engaging, and challenging environment that promotes achievement by all students, whether full- or part-time;

Whereas, Californians rely on and derive outstanding value from community colleges in a multitude of ways, not only for transfer preparation and associate degrees, but also for basic skills acquisition, acculturation, and meeting the needs brought on by poverty, career change, disability, aging, parenthood, military discharge, emancipation from foster care, and other life changes and challenges;

Whereas, The California community colleges continuously develop extensive, high quality curricula, strategies, and services in order to meet our students’ diverse needs, instill in them a passion for their education, and allow them to provide for themselves and their families in ways that four-year schools cannot, including part-time study for the working poor, multiple assessments for need and placement, and needs-based financial assistance; and

Whereas, The Academic Senate supports the multiple missions of California community colleges (e.g., Resolution 6.03 F04) and champions the critically important roles our community colleges play―especially at this time―in the well-being of the state, its people and communities, and its economy;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges strongly oppose any attempt to abridge the mission of California community colleges, reduce their affordability, or remove their control from the communities they serve; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the Board of Governors to not adopt any regulations that would diminish the California community colleges’ ability to

  • provide instruction and educational support services to all who desire them, reaching out to those of underserved communities that encounter barriers to education;
  • develop sustainable campuses and sites to better serve students and neighborhoods;
  • diversify and improve programs and services for the benefit of the entire community;
  • build partnerships with public, private, and community-based agencies to respond with agility and efficiency to educational, economic, environmental, and societal needs;
  • foster the participation of our students and employees in community life;
  • enhance the availability of educational opportunities for all; and
  • support the acquisition of knowledge and skills by all, including the critical thinking skills and career skills that are essential to full participation in society.