Community College Initiative

Resolution Number
Assigned to
State and Legislative Issues
Use Senate communication channels and urge the local college and district academic senates to use their communication channels to educate faculty, students, and community members about the issues contained in the community college initiative; and urge the college and district academic senates to partner with FACCC and the collective bargaining representatives at their districts/colleges to conduct information forums about the issues contained in the community college initiative.
Status Report

Completed. The President encouraged local senates through Updates, Rostrum articles and correspondence.

Whereas, The Faculty Association of California Community Colleges (FACCC) in coalition with the Los Angeles College Faculty Guild and the Community College League of California (CCLC), known as Californians for Community Colleges, have developed a community college issues initiative for inclusion on the November 2006 general election ballot;

Whereas, The initiative will preserve the existing bi-lateral governance structure by creating an independent public postsecondary education system consisting of local community college districts and an autonomous statewide higher education system that functions as a public trust similar to the California University systems;

Whereas, The initiative will protect current and future community college funding by keeping community colleges within the funding guarantees of Proposition 98, establishing that the system's initial funding would be 10.46% of the existing Proposition 98 funding level, and that growth rates and consequent future funding would be calculated separately for the K-12 and community college systems; and

Whereas, While the position of the Academic Senate and FACCC is for no student fees, the initiative will move in that direction by reducing student fees to $20 per credit unit, limiting adjustments to the one year percentage change in California per capita income, and requiring that any additional fee increases only be possible with a separate statute specifically for that purpose with passage needing a two-thirds majority from a roll call vote while statutory fee decreases could be enacted with a simple majority vote;

Resolved, That, in the coming year, the Academic Senate for the California Community Colleges use its publications, plenary sessions, seminars, institutes, and other communication channels in an effort to educate faculty, students, and community members about the issues contained in the community college initiative being proposed by the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges (FACCC) and its coalition partners;

Resolved, That, in the coming year, the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the local college and district academic senates to use their publications, workshops, and other communication channels to educate faculty, students, and community members about the issues contained in the community college initiative being proposed by FACCC and its coalition partners; and

Resolved, That, in the coming year, the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the college and district academic senates to partner with FACCC and the collective bargaining representatives at their districts/colleges to conduct information forums about the issues contained in the community college initiative being proposed by FACCC and its coalition partners. MSC Disposition: Local Senates