Community College Leadership Development Initiative (CCLDI)

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Academic Senate for California Community Colleges
Status Report

The Academic Senate is no longer involved with the CCLDI.

Whereas the Community College Leadership Development Initiative (CCLDI) is involved in creating leadership development opportunities for faculty, administration, and staff, and

Whereas the Initiative started with a solicitation of funds from various sources, including the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, which contributed $3,000, and

Whereas CCLDI will be involved in educating future leaders of California community colleges, including leaders of the Academic Senate, and

Whereas the CCLDI Director, David Wolf, has turned down the Academic Senate's request to include the Senate President (or designee) on the CCLDI Board of Directors and has instead offered the leader representing 50,000 full- and part-time faculty members a "liaison" non-voting, nonspeaking position,

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge David Wolf, Community College Leadership Development Initiative (CCLDI) Director, and the CCLDI Board to authorize two full voting seats on the CCLDI Board for appointment by the President of the Academic Senate, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate consider possible further action if the request is denied.