Community Service

Resolution Number
Assigned to
State and Legislative Issues
Status Report

Efforts to garner adequate funds for such activities were unsuccessful.

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges is on record in Resolution 6.01 F99 as supporting the Governor's call to community service, with the reservation that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges opposes a mandatory service graduation requirement, and

Whereas the Executive Committee has subsequently worked with the Chancellor's Office to develop a recommendation to the Board of Governors, which embraces the following points: the establishment of service offices with locally determined choice of community service, service learning, or both, using (as appropriate) local volunteer centers and entertaining a campus-first approach as an option, and

Whereas the California community colleges serve a substantial population of disadvantaged students, who deal on a daily basis with such problems as hunger, homelessness, inadequate health care, and other traumatic experiences which severely limit possibilities of success in their academic pursuits,

Resolved that the Academic Senate reaffirm its support for the development of service opportunities for students as expressed in Resolution 6.01 F99, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend to the Board of Governors the following:
That campuses should funding be made available, each campus in the system should establish a service office, focusing on service learning or on community service (volunteerism) or a combination of the two;
That campuses instituting service programs should be urged to utilize the resources of local volunteer centers, as a means of positioning themselves efficiently and effectively to begin serving community needs; and
That all campuses be encouraged to entertain as an option in their service efforts a "campus first" approach, which views the campus as a microcosm of the larger community and seeks to address such problems as hunger, homelessness, and inadequate health care among students; and

Resolved that the Academic Senate support, in particular, the recommendation that a "campus first" approach to service in the California community colleges should be emphasized as a legitimate option.