Computers in Faculty Offices

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Status Report

The "Planning and Budget" paper adopted in Fall 2001 sees this issue as an issue to be dealt with at the local level.

Whereas, Email is critical for faculty-student and faculty-administration communications in an increasingly technological environment;

Whereas, Internet access is an important tool for faculty to remain current in their discipline and profession; and

Whereas, Ready access to computers equipped with appropriate software for word processing, analyzing data, maintaining records, updating files, and preparing classroom presentations maximizes effective use of instructor time;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate urge local colleges and districts to provide email accounts for faculty and up- to-date computers in faculty offices for every full-time faculty memberand convenient access to computers for all part-time faculty; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate urge that these computers in faculty offices be equipped with sufficient memory, current software, and high-speed Internet connections and adequate support to enable faculty to be effective in carrying out their professional responsibilities while stimulating student achievement and learning.