Cooperative Work Experience Title 5 changes

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Consultation with the California Community College Chancellor's Office

Whereas, Cooperative Work Based Education helps students acquire desired work habits and skill competencies that aid student success in the classroom and the workplace;

Whereas, Current Title 5 language requiring parallel or alternate plans restricts student options for work experience;

Whereas, Title 5 55256 requires consultation "in person" with the employer and does not allow for other methods of contact such as phone and email; and

Whereas, Faculty prefer having "in person" contact with employers but also recognize that remote contact is sometimes appropriate;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges support Title 5 changes that remove the restrictive guidelines requiring "parallel" or "alternate" plans; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges support changes modifying Title 5 55256 that leave in place "in person" contact with employers as a preferred method but allow for other methods of contact.
MSC Disposition: Local Senates