Corporate Governance Models

Resolution Number
Assigned to
General Concerns
Status Report

Addressed in several technical assistance visits for relevant campuses; will be addressed as well in two forthcoming Academic Senate papers.

Whereas, Faculty and their governing boards have the ultimate responsibility for shaping the academic environment at the California community colleges;

Whereas, There are attempts to wrest academic control from faculty and replace it with a corporate managerial model; and

Whereas, Imposing a corporate model necessitates overthrowing the existing structure, thereby changing faculty roles in governance, institutional planning and other academic and professional matters;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges reaffirm that any reorganization that imposes a corporate model would adversely change faculty roles in governance, institutional planning and other academic and professional matters; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges request that the state Chancellor direct all community college districts to abide by the letter and spirit of Title 5 and engage in collegial consultation with their local academic senates over any such reorganization.