Corporatization of Academic Administration

Resolution Number
Assigned to
General Concerns
Status Report

CFT and AAUP, among others, have published significant documents on corporatization, so the committee felt it unnecessary to duplicate the work. Exec member Leon Marzillier wrote a Rostrum article on this topic for the September 2005 issue.

Whereas, Some alarming trends in higher education include the corporatization of academic administration and the commodification of the research and instructional functions of higher education;

Whereas, Huge investments of public money are devoted to develop online education, and the promise of high-tech education is used as an excuse to reject claims for the building of needed schools and colleges and the hiring of new teachers and classified workers; and

Whereas, As in service industries, technology is used by community college management to cut labor costs, de-skill a majority of workers, improve productivity, and monitor compliance with employer-made rules;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate research the issues of corporatization of academic administration and the co modification of the research and instructional functions of higher education, present the results in a paper and breakout session, and invite foremost speakers on these topics to a future session.