Critical Thinking Requirement

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum

Whereas the IGETC critical thinking/English composition course requires a prerequisite in reading and written composition, and

Whereas Title 5 Matriculation standards require validation of any prerequisite with the possible exception of those in a discipline sequence or those required for four-year transfer, and

Whereas studies have not validated the need for the prerequisite in some California Community Colleges non-English critical thinking courses presently being taught with a composition emphasis, and

Whereas the critical thinking/English composition course is prescribed in the IGETC as "those courses in critical thinking taught in a variety of disciplines," and

Whereas the de facto effect of a prerequisite in composition for the IGETC critical thinking/English composition course is a trend in which CSU certified critical thinking courses are excluded from IGETC, other than English courses--because English qualifies for the prerequisite on sequential grounds, and

Whereas the California Community Colleges/CSU/UC Intersegmental Committee's intention was not to limit critical thinking to the discipline of English,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges take the position that the reading and written composition prerequisite for the critical thinking/English composition course be removed from the IGETC, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct its representatives to the Intersegmental Committee of Academic Senates to request the elimination from the IGETC the reading and written composition prerequisite for the critical thinking/English composition course, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges inform the Chancellor's Office of the detrimental effect the prerequisite has for the critical thinking instruction in California's 107 community colleges.