CSU Remediation Proposal

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Articulation and Transfer

Whereas the California State University Board of Trustees is considering a proposal to deny admission to students failing to pass English and Mathematics assessment tests beginning 2001, and

Whereas this proposal has the potential to cause the community colleges to fail to serve types of students they are currently serving because there is no identified source of funding to serve additional students,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges oppose any action by the CSU system which has the potential to reduce access to higher education in California, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges support actions by the CSU system, the CCC system and the legislature which safeguard access to higher education in California, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges oppose the CSU attempt to violate the California Master Plan for Higher Education which requires that the CSU accept the top one-third of California's high school graduates regardless of their assessment scores.
M/S/U Disposition: Board of Governors, CSU Senate, Chancellor's Office, CSU Board of Trustees, Executive Committee, Legislature, Local Senates