Curriculum Acceptance and Interface Between Two and Four Year Schools

Resolution Number
Assigned to

Whereas the needs of the student should be upper- most in the minds of educators in the community colleges, state university and California university systems, and

Whereas many students who have transferred and or graduated from our community colleges have not been accepted as third year (junior) students in many disciplines, and

Whereas this action creates both a financial and psychological hardship on many students, and

Whereas the community colleges of California are capable of providing lower division courses for nearly all disciplines, and

Whereas the curriculum of all disciplines should be similar in all California colleges and universities for each year of progress in order to aid the student in completing his/her education in the shortest time possible and with consistency, and

Whereas the California student should be able to change institutions at any time during his/her post-secondary education and be guaranteed a curriculum that will be accepted from one institution to another be it community college, CSU or UC, and

Whereas all the educational institutions in California should be working in concert to assist the student to successfully complete his/her educational goal, and

Whereas funding of all public educational institutions comes from one main source, the California state budget,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges initiate a dialogue with the CSU and UC Senates to develop a discipline-by-discipline transfer curriculum that meets lower division requirements for all state systems, and

Resolved that the curriculum consist of a complete and comprehensive collection of courses for each discipline for each year the student attends any of California's public colleges or universities.