Defining Competencies for Associate Degree Requirements

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Curriculum Committee
Executive Committee
Status Report

10-18-22: President May discussed with the submitter and agreed to wait until Spring 2023 to determine the outcome of current fall 2022 resolutions and pending Title 5 changes, to see what is needed moving forward. 

Whereas, California Code of Regulations Title 5 §55063 establishes requirements for students to earn an associate degree, including demonstrated competence in reading, written expression, and mathematics;

Whereas, Current regulations define the standards to meet these requirements by associating those requirements with specific courses or disciplines and outlining methods for establishing equivalencies to courses in those specific disciplines rather than defining reading, written expression, and mathematics competency statements; and

Whereas, The discipline-specific language in the regulation stifles colleges from allowing courses from a variety of disciplines to meet the requirements and severely impedes students from taking courses more relevant to their academic program and career goals that would also meet reading, written expression, and mathematics competency statements;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the California Community College Curriculum Committee and the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office to revise the requirements in section Title 5 §55063 to include competency statements for reading, written expression, and mathematics rather than associating student demonstration of competence with any specific courses or disciplines.