Developing Academic Senates at New California Community Colleges

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Relations with Local Senates Committee
Local Senates
Continue the initiative of regular visits by Local Senate members, as well as Executive Committee members, to meetings of local senates in their areas. Special outreach should be made to newly incorporated senates. Compile information from these visits and report to the Executive Committee
Status Report

The Committee updated the approved "visitor packet" and site visit tracking matrix to better inform the field and to better track all field related ASCCC activities. The committee facilitated conducting 17 local campus visits and the ASCCC conducted 19 technical or Chancellor's Circle visits.

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges assists local academic senates, and

Whereas emerging and/or newly established community colleges have a unique and undeniable need to establish a local academic senate and are mandated by accreditation standards to establish a participatory college governance system, and

Whereas local academic senates at emerging colleges should embody the strength, wisdom, and best practices of all of the local senates that have preceded them,

Resolved that the Academic Senate engage in extraordinary outreach efforts toward developing the local academic senates of newly established or emerging California community colleges, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate include in these outreach efforts regular communication, site visits, and other resources needed to help establish model structures and processes based on the cumulative experience of all of the California community colleges' local academic senates, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate include in its efforts to help developing local senates at new California community colleges a review of "college governance structures as related to faculty roles" (#6 of the 11 points), including the role of faculty in such positions as coordinators, chairpersons, faculty spokespersons, and others.