Distance Education Effectiveness Study

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Distance Learning

Whereas California community colleges are being encouraged to incorporate distance education in their curriculum, and

Whereas there has been little research conducted in California to determine the effectiveness of distance education courses, and

Whereas the term "distance" education refers to a variety of instructional delivery modes which include, but are not limited to, audio tape courses, video tape courses, live broadcasts of courses which allow for immediate student participation, and online computer courses, and

Whereas some modes of delivery may not be accessible to certain populations,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge the Chancellor's Office to conduct a study to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the different distance education delivery systems with respect to access and successful course completion, and

Resolved that the study evaluate accessibility and the effectiveness of these different methods with regard to specific student populations, including underrepresented students, re-entry students, and students enrolled in transfer, basic skills, noncredit, and ESL distance education courses.
M/S/C Disposition: Chancellor's Office. Executive Committee