Distribution of Partnership for Excellence Funds

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Budget and Finance
Status Report

Funds for Partnership for Excellence were cut and then folded in to the general fund. The System no longer collects data on Partnership for Excellence indicators.

Whereas the legislation establishing the Partnership for Excellence states that the funds are to be for "program enhancement that will improve student success and make progress toward the system goals," and

Whereas local boards of trustees must consult collegially with local senates on matters of student success, and

Whereas some districts are using the Partnership for Excellence money to balance the budget or increase reserves,

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge local academic senates to insist that their boards of trustees ensure that Partnership for Excellence money be used only to fund activities clearly related to student success, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge local academic senates to insist that, since policies and processes for student success, budget development, and institutional planning are defined as academic and professional matters in Title 5, these activities related to student success be agreed upon in collegial consultation with the local academic senates.