Double-Counting GE and Major Courses in New Transfer Degrees

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Curriculum Committee
Status Report

Already completed through AA-T and AS-T training

Whereas, The practice commonly referred to as “double-counting” allows students to count a qualifying course toward both general education and major/area of emphasis requirements;

Whereas, Double-counting is common practice in the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) systems, and the majority of California community colleges;

Whereas, SB 1440 (Padilla, 2010) rewards students for completing both lower division general education (GE) patterns (Intersegmental GE Transfer Curriculum or CSU GE, which amount to approximately 35 semester units) and 18 units of major preparation prior to transfer; and

Whereas, One obvious and academically appropriate means of decreasing “unit accumulation” is the practice of “double-counting,” and some California community colleges disallow double-counting, which will make it more difficult for their students to benefit from SB 1440 (Padilla, 2010);

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges strongly urge local senates to review and, as often as possible, reform local policy to allow double-counting to qualify a course toward both general education and major/area of emphasis requirements.

MSC Disposition: Local Senates