Education Opportunity to Improve Effective Governance

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Academic Senate for California Community Colleges

Whereas, The twentieth anniversary of AB 1725 provides the opportunity for governance at colleges and districts to begin a new era of collegial consultation;

Whereas, Many universities in California and other organizations provide instruction and professional development for administrators; and

Whereas, More of the administrators being hired in California community colleges hail from outside the state, come from private industry or other leadership posts and are not sufficiently educated in the spirit of AB 1725 and collegial consultation;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges research the possibility of making presentations at professional development leadership seminars and at universities; and

Resolved, The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges expand its long-standing practice of providing workshops, in accord with Community College League of California, for any college or district interested in furthering the ability of its faculty, administrators, staff and students to participate effectively in governance.
MSC Disposition: CCLC, Local Senates