Effective Consultation

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Consultation with the California Community College Chancellor's Office
Status Report

Joint advocacy and education by the Academic Senate and the League have resulted in strong recognition of the academic senate purview regarding academic and professional matters on both the local and state levels.

Whereas the six legislative actions appended hereto (see Appendix 2) were enacted by the California Legislature starting in 1963 to delineate the academic and professional powers and responsibilities of community college faculty in order to enhance the educational interests of their students, and

Whereas many district administrators and the state Chancellor's Office continue to take actions on academic and professional matters without reasonable consultation with local senates and the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, and

Whereas the educational process and student achievement are best served by faculty (through their local and state academic senates), college and district administrations, and the state Chancellor's Office working in harmony as partners, as the state legislature had intended,

Resolved that the Academic Senate urge the Chancellor's Office to ensure that all academic and professional matters at the state level are routinely referred to the Academic Senate to provide effective advice to the Consultation Council, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate work with the Community College League of California to ensure that all academic and professional matters at the local level are routinely referred to the local academic senate to provide effective advice to its board of trustees.