Eminence/Limited Services Issues

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Disciplines List

Whereas actual college practices involved in establishing equivalency vary, and

Whereas some colleges refer to "eminence" as a feature of their equivalency processes, and

Whereas some colleges have reported the practice of establishing equivalency contingent on entry to specific courses rather than the discipline as a whole, and

Whereas colleges should rely on hiring and job assignment practices based on the appropriate knowledge, skills, and abilities to do a specific job assignment rather than relying on the discipline list to establish qualifications to teach specific courses within the discipline,

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to study the practices by which equivalency is determined throughout the California Community Colleges, including the practice of "eminence," job assignment through equivalence to courses rather than disciplines, and job analysis and job assignment practices, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate direct the Executive Committee to produce a report on equivalency practices to be presented at a future session of the Academic Senate.