Establishment of New Local and District Senates

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Relations with Local Senates Committee
Academic Senate
Found Not Feasible
Conduct research and investigate good practices for local colleges interested in forming new local and/or district academic senates; create and distribute materials to faculty at colleges that are developing new colleges and academic centers that will aid them in this process; and consider joining with other statewide faculty and administrator organizations, and with the Student Senate for California Community Colleges, to explore developing instructions to guide local senates in establishing effective participatory governance policies at new colleges and academic centers and bring these good practices back to a future plenary session.
Status Report

It is recommended that this resolution be "Found Not Feasible" as the time and resources required are not justified by the number of new senates anticipated in the near future. It is further recommended that the charge of the Committee be amended to include "provide assistance to new colleges in the development of a senate" with the understanding that such assistance should be offered as soon as the process for a new college has been started (e.g. CPEC approval, initial accreditation review).

Whereas, Many colleges are in the process of seeking accreditation for academic centers and the accreditation process requires that a local academic senate be formed before accreditation can be granted;

Whereas, Multi-college districts are also considering how best to form district academic senates and often seek advice about how best to work together to form local district senates; and

Whereas, New colleges and academic centers will need to establish participatory governance policies;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges conduct research and investigate good practices for local colleges interested in forming new local and/or district academic senates;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community College create and distribute materials to faculty at colleges that are developing new colleges and academic centers that will aid them in this process; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community College consider joining with other statewide faculty and administrator organizations, and with the Student Senate for California Community Colleges, to explore developing instructions to guide local senates in establishing effective participatory governance policies at new colleges and academic centers and bring these good practices back to a future plenary session.
MSC Disposition: Local Senates, Student Senate for California Community Colleges