Examining Conversion from TOP to CIP

Resolution Number
Assigned to

Whereas, Resolution 21.01 F99 asked for review and updating of Taxonomy of Programs (TOP) codes, including an annual revision to accommodate federal Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) codes, which are used nationally except in the California community colleges;

Whereas, The System Advisory Committee on Curriculum has been in discussions regarding the steps and factors that would be necessary to convert from TOP to CIP code use in the California community colleges and recommends that a few disciplines be invited to participate in a pilot project to see how much work is involved in making the switch;

Whereas, TOP code revisions should be conducted with direct input from faculty; and

Whereas, Converting from TOP to CIP will also involve many aspects of college functioning (e.g., fiscal reporting, faculty work load, career technical education reporting) beyond faculty and curriculum committee participation;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges recommend representatives of various disciplines work with the Chancellor’s Office on the issues of converting from TOP to CIP codes for courses; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges work with the Chancellor’s Office to provide communication and implementation strategies if a greater conversion of TOP to CIP codes is inaugurated.

See Appendix A.
Appendix A.

MSC Disposition: Chancellor’s Office, Local Senates