Executive Committee Retreat

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Diversity and Equity

Whereas cultural diversity and affirmative action are the primary focus of AB 1725, and

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges is largely responsible for the implementation of AB 1725, and

Whereas the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges is the body that provides direction and leadership to the local senates, and

Whereas it is necessary for the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate to be aware of all of the dimensions of affirmative action, staff diversity and cultural diversity,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges direct the Executive Committee to hold a two or three day retreat for the purpose of developing the skills necessary to incorporate a diverse perspective into the Academic Senate, including an understanding of all aspects of affirmative action, staff diversity, cultural diversity, and related issues, and

Resolved that participants at the proposed Executive Committee Retreat prepare suggestions to promote affirmative action, staff diversity, cultural diversity and related issues for local senates to use as a basis for developing skills in these areas.