Faculty Involvement in Facilities Planning

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Relations with Local Senates Committee
Local Senates
Status Report

Partly fulfilled with the publication the Senate paper, Faculty Role in Planning and Budget. Given the changes in System Office responsibilities and the new accreditation standards, we ask that the final resolve be declared not feasible and removed.

Whereas facilities development and campus construction have direct effects on educational programs and campus climates and should evolve from an educational master plan, and

Whereas district and college facilities master plans are not uniformly formulated, and

Whereas district and college facilities master plans are regularly submitted to the Chancellor's Office, and

Whereas effective planning includes academic senates and discipline faculty,

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend to local senates that they seek a weighted voice in the development of any college and/or district educational master plan from which facilities and construction master plans evolve, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend to local academic senates that they debate and approve college and/or district current and future educational, facilities, and construction master plans that pertain to any college and district owned properties, and

Resolved that the Academic Senate recommend to local senates that, if district or college administrators or boards ignore this resolution, the senates submit minority reports to the Chancellor's Office and also submit a similar report to the college accreditation self study and visiting team.