Financial Support of Student Senate

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Students Preparation and Success
Status Report

Correspondence was exchanged with the Senate Education and Assembly Higher Education Committee chairs to state the Academic Senate position. Legislation was passed, but the Governor removed the funding. Discussion on this issue continues in Consultation with the Academic Senate supporting the students.

Whereas students are guaranteed a right to effective participation in issues regarding academic matters at the college level, and that voice deserves adequate support Statewide, and

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges has a long history of support (first resolution: Fall 1969) of student participation in local and State community college governance, and

Whereas the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges receives funding from Proposition 98 in order to support and guarantee a faculty voice in academic and professional matters and the Student Senate would provide similar support to represent students in California, and

Whereas very limited funds are available in the Chancellor's Office to support the activities of the Student Senate,

Resolved that the Academic Senate support an appropriate level of funding for the Student Senate.