Granting Emeritus Status

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Executive Director
Academic Senate for California Community Colleges
Status Report

Bylaws changes have been made and posted on the website

Whereas, Evelyn "Sam" Weiss is retiring in June 2002 after a career distinguished by leadership in her discipline of nursing and leadership in governance at the local and state levels;

Whereas, Evelyn "Sam" Weiss has been a very effective member of her local senate for 25 years, serving four terms as president, four years as vice president, and six years as secretary;

Whereas, Evelyn "Sam" Weiss was a member of the Executive Committee for six years, selected four times as Area D Representative and then as Vice President and serving as chairs of both the Occupational Education Committee and the Standards and Practices Committee, member of the Educational Policies Committee, and representative to the Intersegmental Committee of the Academic Senates; and

Whereas, Evelyn "Sam" Weiss has been recognized as an outstanding resource person for vocational education issues, serving on numerous committees and task forces;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate recognize the extraordinary efforts of Evelyn "Sam" Weiss in improving the quality of California community college education and governance by conferring on her the honor of "Senator Emeritus."