Local Academic Senate Network (Geo-Clusters)

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Local Senates

Whereas fifteen executive committee members serve over a hundred college and district senates, and

Whereas the number of colleges and the geographical considerations present the Executive Committee with a serious challenge and significant level of responsibility to serve the constituents of the local academic senates, and

Whereas geographically-based representation on the Local Senates Committee can provide the Executive Committee with support from representatives with the benefit of personal access, insight, and historical background information related to the specific needs of the local academic senates, and

Whereas the structure of the Local Academic Senate Network can facilitate a closer, more practical relationship between the local academic senates and the Executive Committee, and

Whereas the geographically-based network could provide the Executive Committee with the opportunity to attain and maintain a consistent, efficient, and effective level of service to the local academic senates, and

Whereas the proposed network could serve as a course for document distribution, networking, information exchange, delegate training, session preparation, workshop preparation and research, and

Whereas the use of the proposed network would ultimately assist local academic senates in maximizing their effectiveness in their role as faculty representatives,

Resolved that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges implement the proposed geographically-based Local Academic Senate Network (Geo-Clusters). (See Document)