Local Faculty Approval Process for Courses Offered in Reduced Timeframes

Resolution Number
Assigned to
Curriculum Committee
Develop a guide for local senates and curriculum committees to use when approving the offering of a course in a reduced timeframe of less than half of a term; and explore instituting a requirement that local curriculum committees approve the teaching of courses in reduced timeframes in a manner similar to the requirement that curriculum committees approve teaching courses through technologically-mediated instruction.
Status Report

The committee believed that this issue wold be best addressed via Rostrum article. The article, by committee member Zerryl Becker, appeared in the April 2010 Rostrum.

Whereas, Due to increasing pressure from students, administrators, and the community, traditional semester-length college courses are being offered in timeframes of less than half of a traditional term;

Whereas, Course Outlines of Record describe courses in total hours as opposed to scheduled timeframes;

Whereas, Reduced timeframe course offerings of less than half of a term may affect academic and professional matters by not adequately considering Title 5, the Course Outline of Record, or the academic calendar, and by not allotting sufficient time outside of the course for student study and preparation; and

Whereas, Such reduced timeframe course offerings of less than half of a term are frequently assigned to adjunct faculty and may not involve consultation with key discipline faculty;

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges develop a guide for local senates and curriculum committees to use when approving the offering of a course in a reduced timeframe of less than half of a term; and

Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges explore instituting a requirement that local curriculum committees approve the teaching of courses in reduced timeframes in a manner similar to the requirement that curriculum committees approve teaching courses through technologically-mediated instruction.